Ready, Set, Go!

In my last blogpost, I mentioned that I wanted to start relationships with 4 others. I gave two of them: God and you, the readers. At the end of the post, I said that I hoped for the two others to show up in the next post, which is this one. However, I took on a way bigger task than I had initially thought. And because of it being larger than my life at the moment, I have to postpone naming those 2 others until I'm comfortable doing the task. With that in mind, let me start this blog off right!

Name of the blog

"The Worst Theologian" is the personal blog of Christian Guild (me). It's given that title because I'll never be a good theologian. I know that sounds self-critical, but I don't think I'll ever be a "good" theologian. I say that because God is so unknowable, yet knowable at the same time, that I'll never be ably to study the Divine, in the truest sense. The only way to really express the Divine is through metaphor - whether that's written, painted, or sung. So, you can be a "good" poet, artist, or musician, but never a "good" theologian. Why is this the case? Why must the Divine be "shrouded" in mystery, ambiguity and "non-logic"? It's quite "simple", in a deceiving way, actually!

I could go about explaining this in multiple ways: I could discuss mystical experiences (whether it's "pure consciousness event" or visions) I could discuss what others say about God (i.e. other religions or what not) or I could discuss what the Christian's holy texts say. And, for that endeavor, I'll start with the last one. I say that because I believe humans need some sort of foundation first before they're able to tear it up! We're going to start with the Christian Bible because it is the foundational text of my home religion, Christianity. Some would say that it's even the Word of God! Though I'd disagree and counter them to read the Prologue of John (This will definitely be a topic for a future post). After that, I'll post in the future about mystical experiences within the Christian tradition. And finally, what other religions have to say about the "knowability" of God. And then, in a final post I'll try to synthesize all if the above and articulate my position. However, this series will have to start another time.

What to expect from this blog

Book Reviews

I'm not going to argue that my reviews will be some great force that will tear down the walls that trap the truth. No, my book reviews will be a modest attempt at proclaiming the truth as found in the books or an attempt at defending the truth from the book. At this moment, I think my book review posts will cover one chapter at a time. If I feel that my sanity, sleep, and social life suffer from that many posts, I'll cut the amount of posts down to say, maybe a couple chapters per post, or even only 
one book per post! Though, I don't see that happening any time soon. The titles will either start or end with the following categorizing:

R.S.C: Review number. Book section/part number. chapter number.

Hopefully this will help with searching for certain reviews and future internet historians (Ha!).

Other Reviews

If I watch a video or movie or whatever and feel the need to write something on it, I'll post it under this category.


I hope to become ordained one day in the future. Because if this calling on my life, I'll need to practice writing Sunday Morning Sermons. They will be posted on Sundays -hopefully every week.

 After my first sermon post, which will be a sermon I wrote almost a year ago, I'll follow the "Revised Common Lectionary" to decide what Scripture to write about. If I decide to choose a different Scripture (probably from the deutrocannon, maybe?), I'll leave a note before the Sermon actually begins.


If I come across a poem that I think is "good", I'll most likely share it under this category. If I ever write poems again, they will be under this category but with no author's name in the title.

Random posts

Do I feel like sharing my day today? Do I feel like being political or or just "Random xDD"? Then I'll post it under this category.


If I decide to post more "theological" works, such as why God has to be shrouded in mystery, or my personal views on certain topics, such as hell (PUR FTW), then they will be set under this category.

Final Words

I really hope this blog represents my views on life, death, God, and taxes fairly. I hope I'll never misconstrue another persons' view. I also hope that you will participate with me on this journey. I say that because the only reason we exist is through participation (one God, one Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all), so I think it's fair to say that this blog will only exist through participation. So, ready to starts? Let's a-go!


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