My Brother Died Suddenly and That's Okay

"1. Is what you're saying helping anyone?" - The first rule in Everson Guild's Guide to Being Awesome (2002-2017) Death and the Question of Evil This year, on July 24th, my 14-year-old brother, Everson Guild , passed away unexpectedly. My whole family was in shock. He was too athletic, too outgoing, and too healthy to die so soon. There were no signs of any disease or defect and no drugs in his system according to the autopsy. So, how did he die? We don't know and may never know. My family (and loads of his friends) is content without knowing the cause of his death. But, they certainly would love to know why he died. What purpose did it have? Why, when one of my family member's prayed and longed for him to live, did he still lay cold? These questions have haunted my family for the last 5 months like Halloween was going out of style. They linger in my family's heads and hearts as if the questions themselves were trapped in a tomb. And yet, every ...