Let's A-go!: Book Review #1 and #2 Starts Monday
Thursday night, I went to the Michigan State library to meet my girlfriend. She watched a vegan Youtuber, I read a book. We're two different types of people, yet we still make it work somehow. It's seriously weird. She's almost the complete opposite of me in every way! She's the embodiment of Beauty, Love, and everything nice. But, now I'm sidetracking. After I took her back to her dorm, I decided to stay in the library and write my paper for my Western Religions class. My paper's title (right now) is, "Three Views of Mystical Union: Engulfed Unity, Perfected (or Perfecting Unity) and Distinctive Unity". In this paper, I try to compare and contrast three seemingly different articulations and argue that they are expressing the same thing in different words. In the middle of writing the paper, around 4:30 am, I fell asleep. I woke up three hours later at 7:30. As I woke up, I decided to walk down the stairs, looking the Thriller music video, to ...