
Showing posts from January, 2024

Christians, Don’t Vote! Part 1: Are We Really Called to Do So?

We Americans are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with our government. According to Pew Research Center, we’re often exhausted and angry when politics is even thought about. We see the American system as corrupt and divisive. [1] Why then do we Christians strive for a Christian nation? Nearly 6 in 10 Christians, whether liberal or conservative, say that we “should be” a Christian nation – whether that means the law is governed by biblical language or generic “Christian values”. [2] (As if the two could be separated). We want an authority and government that fights for us, defends us, and represents us in the world’s political system. It’s a natural desire to want power and influence, especially if only because we want to help make the world a better place. Not for our own protection (though safety is preferred), not so we can force others to bend toward our will (though we do know right), but that God’s will for our lives is made known, realized, and manifested (even if Christ has already...