Reading the Scriptures Wisely: A Reading of Exodus 24

Jacob's Ladder by William Blake Reading the Bible is Hard. Reading the Bible is hard. It's difficult to wrap your mind around a book (a library, really) written over the span of a few thousand years. It's hard to understand that even though our reality is the same as it's always been, our view of it has shifted (especially since Descartes). It's also a mind-boggling long book with boring sections that people often skip because there's no surface action ( cough genealogies cough ). What I plan to do here is provide a different approach to reading the scriptures than what you may be used to - whether you're used to the academic rigor of the historical-literal and theological narrative readings or the popular proof-texting and individualized ego-centric readings. It's not necessarily easier, rather different. It's an approach that's highly intuitive. However, you need a trained intuition. This intuitive approach is what is called an "anagog...