A Letter
A 15th century Icon of Wisdom Dear sojourners in Persia, We live in a state that provides frozen peace atop a raging river. And we know underneath the ice are fish looking for a meal to devour. The Living Water gives Leviathan his dwelling place even when he refuses to see it. This state, who is ever hostile to us and the Country we serve, wants us to ignore its reality and feed it until the King of Kings has been swallowed in its darkened belly. This spiritual beast of an egregore is encapsulated by the United States of America - the epitome of modernity and a pillar of so-called culture. It's such a subtle demon that most people (including our travelers of a kindred spirit) don't see it lurking behind every consumeristic and political act. The "progress" it feigns is the perversion of us as Icons - the idol calls us and lures us into an apotheosis of the flesh embodied in the rape of Lady Wisdom. Invisible Infinity seen through the telescope of finite visibility. ...