Writing exercises: two poems and a short story

First of all, welcome to my annual blog post! I wish I wrote more, but alas! Not much in my life has changed except that my sister and I moved into a house. A few mishaps along the way. Oh well. So, for this, I wanted to share writings that I doubt will ever be traditionally published. Mainly because they are more exercises than pieces. However, they are complete. They are in their definite form (until I edit them again). I believe that they're all interconnected in the sense that all three pieces attempt a "deconstruction" of certain religious and philosophical ideas and literary forms, but with the hope and thrust of a reconstruction - the pieces themselves have those intentions and not the reader. In that way, I hope that they point to the fact that all things rest upon an Other. The first one, A Bride of Christ , is a poem trying to articulate the importance of the Incarnation in light of sexuality. Sexuality, traditionally two opposing poles tied to physical s...