Union with Christ: Two Views - Introduction
You know, I'm bad at this blogging thing. I don't write regularly and I definitely haven't been keeping to the promises I've made. I hope you can forgive me. Because even though there's a dam along the river, it still flows. Introduction This blog series, which I'm calling "Union with Christ: Two Views", is going to be based on a paper I wrote, titled, Two Views on Mystical Union: An overview and comparison between Perfected (or Perfecting) Unity and Distinctive Unity. Though that paper's title seems very complex (and contrived), these blogposts will hopefully be less so. I would really like everyone to be able to understand this topic, so my writing style will be less formal than in my paper - just as it should be! And I say should be because theology and academia should be easily accessible to seekers of all levels of education - not just those with a college level or even postgraduate level of education. "Union with Christ: Two Views...